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For Writers

Toying with the idea of writing a story? Story Steps might give you some ideas. Click on the cover to link to the PDF. Enjoy!

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Here's a handout you might find helpful from a Zoom presentation
Dialogue: The Fastest Way to Improve Your Story

Dialogue Checklist and Dialogue Tags

Scroll down for more!
PDF handouts for my writing skills books
Promotion Before Publication PDF
Items mentioned in my blog
Just Ginger
I hope you found these items helpful in your writer's journey.

As you can tell from the dates on some of my work, I've been writing for a LONG time. I also began Indie publishing in 2014. Through the years, there isn't a spreadsheet I haven't created. Here is the link to the Metadata Template that I mention in my blog Just Ginger. (Check out my blog, it’s crammed with stuff I've learned about writing!)

Articles, Charts, and Lists for Writers

Story Elements Chart (based on Dwight Swain's Techniques of a Selling Writer)

Scene and Sequel Checklist

Ten Steps to Planning a Romance

Critique Sheet (questions for your Beta readers to answer)

The Ripple Effect in Storytelling (Three blogs entries I think you'll find them helpful.)

8 Questions (To ask yourself as you start your story.)

Promotion Before Publication (a short, PDF download designed for aspiring writers.

This is a brochure I used to hand out at book signings and writing presentations. If you click on the brochure image, it will take you to the PDF.
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